Advisory Board and
other elected positions
Meet the Advisory Board and other elected positions who also volunteer to support MUNA+.
Advisory Board und Cash Auditor
In addition to the Management Board, the Advisory Board is another official body of the Association. The Advisory Board is appointed by the Board and has an advisory/coaching role. The Management Board holds regular meetings with the Advisory Board.
The Cash Auditor oversees the financial activities of the Board and audits the treasury and books at least once per fiscal year. An error-free documentation of the finances is a requirement for the discharge of the board for past fiscal years, which is voted on annually by the members at the annual General Member Assembly.

Ricardo Escoda
MUNA+ Cash Auditor since 2020
Ricardo has been involved with MUNA+ as Cash Auditor since 2020. He currently works as a Young Executive at Allianz and is at the same time founder and CEO of a startup (cheast.online).
Visit Ricardo on LinkedIn
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