Network project with the Peace Building Team (PBT)

International Friendship with the Peace Building Team in the Democratic Republic of Congo

A member of MUNA+ participated in the One Young World Summit, a global forum for young people working for a better future and actively promoting change. Here MUNA+ made contact with the Peace Building Team (PBT) from Congo and an exchange about the respective challenges and activities of the two organizations developed.

In order to shed light on the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and to present the activities of the PBT, MUNA+ has conducted a social media campaign in the past. In addition, an in-kind donation was made in the form of a set of children’s soccer jerseys that MUNA+ collected together with TSG Leihgestern 1893 e.V. in Linden, Germany. Again, international cooperation with other organizations was important in terms of SDG #17.

Now MUNA+ maintains a friendship with the PBT. We regularly receive updates from the founder and director of the PBT or we organize joint events, prospectively also with the children. Larger fundraising activities, especially financial, would require more intensive due diligence.

Facts about Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Country in Central Africa
  • Capital: Kinshasa
  • Political system: Semi-presidential system
  • President: Felix Tshisekedi
  • Population: 89,561,404 (2020)
  • Population growth 3.1% per year (2020)
  • Largest country in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Rich in natural resources such as cobalt, copper, hydropower potential, large arable land, immense biodiversity, second largest rainforest in the world